Hi Pedro & Group,
Sorry, but I'm a little-bit distrustful with these "Good News". Last 2 weeks I'm monitoring RS-15 and I tryed several times (always in Sunlight), by using all possible Uplink frequencies (145.858-898 & 958-998) without success. A few mins ago I tryed also (after your Email, orbit #48419). A big ZERO once again!
RS-15's beacon usually is booming on my receiver and I'm thinking that Beacon's output Power is just 0.4 - 1.2 Watts, so the downlink signal should be "super" with 5 W (max) output of Linear Transponder downlink. Unfortunately that did not happen. Never ! I remember my efforts at early '95, when this bird was new and just 3-4 times I had heard my downlink signal very weak, with extremely strong QSB and as I know that was common for all users.
Yesterday, looking for RS-15 reports around Internet I found very interesting the following page, where Mike, KF4FDJ reports succesfull QSOs with 4 other stations (end February 2004).
So we can't talking for RS-15 "reborn", it was always out there operational but definitely it is not an "easy Bird".
( The above page is also very informative about the difficulties of RS-15 & relationship between Beacon - Transponder's activation.)
Several days ago Gary wrote about 100 KHz Uplink-frequency "jumping" Up, but that is not confirmed now from you dr Pedro. If used 145.875 KHz for your uplink , we have another scenario which says that, the frequency did not "jump" but it's stable. Strange.
Well, I'm a little-bit confused with all.. I would like of course to have another Bird in good shape, but have we? or it was just a random (& lucky) operation of RS-15, like a flashback and in practice its an unreliable, non useful bird for the most Hams?
I wonder... (but I've my fingers crossed & I wish you have right !)
73, Mak SV1BSX
PS: BTW you wrote about 25 W Uplink power. What is your EIRP?
----- Original Message ----- From: lu7abf To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:01 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] YES !! RS-15 is alive !
YES !! RS-15 is alive !
Reading a recent report on AMSAT-BB from Gary deMunbrun WA4RKS about RS-15, move me to try. Tks Gary!
I tried on several passes, I always heard the intermitent carrier at 29.352, but no repeat of my uplink, trying either on official 145.858-98 or on suggested 145.958-98.
All of tries were made with RS-15 on her night. But today I gave her another try. This time RS-15 was sunlight on a pass that lasted 20 minutes on Sept-28 00:24 to 00:43 LU Time. I could uplink first CW and after SSB and hear it back !!!!, despicte the fact that I'm only using 25 W from FT-736 on 2mts and a 2m turnstile !!
Frequencies I operate where: Uplink 145.875 , downlink 29.374 with good signal return about s3.
Unfortunately no one to try a QSO. RS-15 is amazing, with 2000 Km height, passes can last up to half an hour ! even earth coverage is quite broad !
So, looks that we have had a new child reborn, coming back to life from over ten years ago.
You can find on http://www.amsat.org.ar RS-15 passes precalculated for your location and on your time, for a quick RS-15 .
73, Pedro LU7ABF [email protected] _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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