11 Apr
11 Apr
2:32 p.m.
Hi Bob,
See my web page at http://kb5wia.blogspot.com for details on a complete teardown and rebuild of a G5500 azimuth rotator; the G5400 azimuth will be similar but won't have the limit switches. There's also a link in there for two websites that have info on rebuilds of the elevation rotator assembly.
73! Dave KB5WIA
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Bob- W7LRD [email protected] wrote:
My whole satellite UVL&S stuff is down in the shop (sobsob). Has anyone done a rebuild or refurbish of the G5400 az/el rotors? I am looking for some information before I "crack" them open, like what to do etc. I doubt if I'll ever be using my L&S stuff again (sobsob). I'll save it just in case I live long enough!
73 Bob W7LRD