SSB for me too, F0-29 & V0-52.
Can't raise any consistent enthusiasm for FM birds with the exception of our friends up in the ISS.
I can have the same abuse much more easily on the local FM repeater. :-)
So the TS2000 has a birdie, OK, but for those that don't want all their eggs in one basket it is very good and it doesn't need another mortgage spent on a Hi-Stab LO to stop it roaming around on its own. Well at 1296MHz anyway!
Retires to bomb shelter!
David G8OQW
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF Sent: 16 July 2009 18:51 To: Cc: Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: IF you had a choice...
I cut my teeth on Oscar 6 and 7, 2M UP, 10M DOWN, SSB.
David - KG4ZLB wrote: easy sats, the FM voice, 2m up 70cm down or 70cm up 2m down,
that everyone cuts their teeth on!
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