The one I copied the last telemetry from burned up in the pacific on 13oct89.....
The on going satellite re-entry prediction chats on here are very interesting, and may be of interest to those predictors in the following:
I made the statement on the bb a while back that "I had the last qso on Oscar 9 (Uosat 1) launched by the University of Surrey.
Jeff, wb3jfs, kindly reminded me that I could not have had a "qso" as it was digital only!! And I thank him for that.
I recorded the last telemetry, as proven by the U of Surrey....
Sooooooooooooooooo...I dug out the paperwork I have from 18 years ago (it has faded about as much as I have!). And I present it here for anyone that may like to take a peek...
The four files are: OSCAR9xxxx.jpg
with the x's giving a slight clue...My photography leaves something to be desired, but they are readable...I find that with my computer if I save it on my computer the legibility is improved...when opened in that fashion.......
Simply click on the file...and do with it what you will.....No fancy pictures, so access is instant.
I will be happy to describe the procedures I used, send me direct...
73, Dave, WB6LLO
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...