Dear Friends,
Thanks for the encouraging and supportive expressions!
Unfortunately, we are sorry to inform that the 'Expert Committee' overseeing the VO-52 (HAMSAT) performance has advised to extend the 'Observation Period' by an other week.
Hence, the decision to switch on the transponder # 2 is now put 'ON HOLD' till further notice. In-convenience caused to the users is regretted.
This latest decision is just only a postponement and nothing to worry about the health of the spacecraft. We re-assure you all that VO-52 is very strong and in a 'Perfect Health' condition.
We do hope that the technically competent user community would understand the situations involved with any Space related activities.
73 de
The following is the latest announcement received from Operations Director-HAMSAT VO-52 at 07:04 Hrs.
Dear Sir,
Switching ON of HAMSAT Transponder-2 (Dutch) is re-scheduled for the next week. Mr. Subramani VU2WMY, ISAC is requested to convey this message to HAM community.
With Best Regards,
ISTRAC/ISRO Ph: 080 - 2202 9011 (O) 080 - 2535 0132 (R) 0 - 9480333563 (M) 080 - 2202 9062 (F)
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