Steve wrote:
Im having really poor luck with my inverted V antenna.. its not very high up but only on a very high pass will it hear the beacon on 29.502. What is every one else using?
Wayne replies:
During field day I've had success on AO-7 Mode A using a 10m inverted Vee with the apex 12 feet high. That's 3/8 wavelength high which is the best height for satellite reception. More gain near the horizon where the path is longest, but no nulls at high elevation. The inverted Vee seems to be fairly omnidirectional in the azimuth plane, compared to a flat dipole which has nulls at the ends.
A horizontal full wave loop will give better reception at low elevations (where you need the most gain), but worse reception at high elevations.
I've been meaning to put the Vee up at home. I even have an ARR 10m preamp to put at the feedpoint, and a PTT-activated coaxial relay to prevent me from accidentally transmitting into the preamp. Just have to get around to it...
Wayne Estes W9AE Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik