As I am thinking about how to use ARISSat in my school this year, I'm looking at the CSV file that was produced by the ARISSatTLM software. I am seeing some pretty nice looking data (very cyclic and symmetrical graphs). Can someone point me to the format of the CSV data...e.g. what are the column headers? It's probably in a very obvious place, but I have not found it.
Here is a little excerpt from my data from this morning: Column one is obvious (date & time stamp); what are the others?
2011/08/04-12:23:13 84 81 11 0 0 72 105 44 32 84 104 105 115 32 105 115 32 65
By the way, we are very excited about this project at my school. I had a group of kids that 'flew a file' on ARISSat, and they are geeked that they are now in orbit!
Matt Severin, N8MS Dowagiac Middle School, principal EN61