If you like throwing money at the problem, try Pasternack.
5 feet at $83.00 at S. M. Electronics. 5 feet at $78.25 at Pasternack.
I always build my own. That way I can only blame myself for bad cables.
73 Glenn WB4UIV
At 10:36 PM 5/20/2009, Jim Sanford wrote:
I'm hoping to get my 2m - 3456 antennas erected this summer. To help, I've decided to throw $$ at the problem & save time thru purchase of coax jumpers to go between antennas ans preamp or switch.
I seek recommendations regarding fabricators of tested LMR 600 sections with N-connectors installed. Lengths would range from 7 to 27 feet.
Thanks & 73, Jim [email protected]
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