Congratulations on your project so far, Alessio.
I have a question, please...
Does D-SAT transmit over locations other than Europe?
I have seen great posts from others reporting reception of D-SAT, but over the U.S., I have not had any luck receiving the satellite.
If only SOME of the possible data is transmitted outside of Europe, it would be helpful if you would like to provide a list of what one might expect to receive.
Thanks very much!
-Scott, K4KDR Montpelier, VA USA
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-----Original Message----- From: IU5CRE via AMSAT-BB Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 12:38 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] D-SAT Mission
Dear Sirs,
my name is Alessio Fanfani; I'm a young telecommunication engineer and an enthusiastic Italian satellite amateur (callsign IU5CRE).
Three years ago I started to work with D-Orbit, an Italian aerospace company, on an ambitious CubeSat mission called D-SAT.
D-Sat is a three-unit CubeSat designed, built, and operated by D-Orbit and it will be the first satellite in history that will come back into Earth's atmosphere in a safe and controlled way by means of a dedicated solid rocket motor and burn up instead of becoming new debris.
D-SAT was launched on June 23th, 2017 into a 500 km sun-synchronous orbit from Indian SHAR.
D-SAT is now fully operative in orbit and it is hosting three communication experiments in collaboration with an Italian university, high-level schools and a local hamradio community.
For more information on D-SAT, you can visit the mission's website (www.dsat.space), where you will also find a page entirely dedicated to radiohams (www.dsat.space/radiohams) where you can download the software necessary for the reception of D-Sat's signal.
We really hope you will consider joining us! Also, should you have any question about the mission, don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Alessio Fanfani, IU5CRE