THANK YOU all for the public and private messages on this topic! A compilation of your suggestions -
... Henk, PA3GUO ... [several Web sites cited] ...
Henk - those are all excellent reference sites. Beyond what I am doing "now" with my quest to get new folks into working the birds - but I have added them all to my personal bookmarks, and will recommend to more "seasoned" sat communicators.
... a link to the AO-27 Java schedule lister site ...
That's a great little utility! I *do* have links to the control team and official status pages of the "easy" birds. And I tell folks to bookmark 'em al, and refer to them regularly for updates. But I will mention this app in my presentations for more "advanced" communicators.
... Proper satellite names, not these senseless ZO-99 type designations ...
A tough one. Yes, the proper nomenclature and history of the topic is important (remember my "Is the "O" in OSCAR "orbital" or "orbiting?" discussion last year? 'Cause I can cite for you about as many mentions of either in literature ... ). But I want entry-level folks to get info quickly and easily - and the tracking software and Web tracking sources seem to have "dumbed-down" to the abbreviated designators.
... Maintain current email address on QRZ.com ...
I demonstrated the importance of this last night during my presentation at the Los Angeles Maritime Museum K6AA group - I wanted to email a contact in Central CA, but his email address was not posted on QRZ.com. I asked the group - most of whom do maintain their listings on QRZ - if they have ever felt that their posted info on QRZ caused them any grief (spam). No one replied that they had. I am sure I can find his email address via Google search (and i did - I found him to be a board member of his local club). But until I hear that QRZ has sold out and was responsible for spammers to access and mis-use their data, I think it is a good source for us to be able to reference.
... You need to be able to hear the satellite before transmitting!
Of course, already stressed the importance of this during demos, presentations, and in my tutorial.
THANK YOU ALL for your input.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS http://www.work-sat.com