Bob, Trevor:
Even if "OHB System AG" is not (yet) so well-know as SSTL to the community, they have already supportet the Amateur radio community in several cases with launch opportunities for "SAFIR-M (AO-49)" and "SAFIR-S". There much are more than a hand-full licenzed OMs at OHB in Bremen reating a fresh and initiative group under the club call DL0OHB. There was already a long-year support for weather ballon launches in Germany as well as an ongoing creation of digital ATV implementaions ("ARCOL") fo future in-orbit solutions... Also OHB will become more public in the next months and years not only becasue of GALILEO...
Let's work together in that sense, there is a lot of space for in-orbit activites ;-)
73 de Oliver DG6BCE
Am 08.01.2010 21:30, schrieb Bob McGwier:
You call it "the other issue" but it is the only issue. They do not give a tinker's damn if they interfere with us (and I suspect they won't) but the ability to sell receivers with CRAP for front ends (in terms of dynamic range, IMD, etc.) making it cheaper to manufacture is severely hampered by the "licensed stations" in adjacent bands. There will be regulatory relief sought for the "health and safety" etc. services provided by Galileo from those stinking pest hams who are simply obeying the law on their licensed systems.
I am still of the opinion that this system serves no useful purpose whatsoever except to say "us too". It is a political impossibility to turn on SA now in my opinion but now there will be no need to at all. I suspect a treaty guaranteeing no SA and no allowance for design and sale of jamming equipment would be a LOT cheaper than this system.
Trevor . wrote:
--- On Fri, 8/1/10, Ulip Ċ½eljko[email protected] wrote:
Many congratulations to Sir Martin Sweeting and his team. But, what will be hapend with the 23 cm band world wide after Galileo system will be in the orbit? Please take a look to the document below: http://galileo.khem.gov.hu/documents/angol/technikai_dokumentumok/status_of_...
It'll raise the noise floor which could affect satellite based 1260 MHz receivers. The other issue could be the jamming of Galilleo GPS receivers by Amateurs using 1260-1300 MHz, see
Potential Interference To Galileo From 23cm Band Operations http://www.southgatearc.org/articles/galileo.htm
73 Trevor M5AKA
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