Hi all!
With a little more than a week to go for the deadline, 11/14/09, I just wanted to send out a reminder for those who haven't submitted to me their most wanted grids.
I am undertaking a task to get a better reading on what grids are "outstanding" in need of activation. I am looking at obtaining the top 25 grids from the predominately 10 grid fields covering the U.S., Canada and Mexico, for the total of 250 grids. Yes, most of these grids will be in the U.S., however, I'm sure there will be some mention of VE and XE grids as well. What I would like everybody to do is take some time and look at your grid map and write down 25 grids from each of the grid fields that cover the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Those grid fields are: CN, DN, EN, FN, CM, DM, EM, FM, DL, EL. If you don't need at least 25 grids from a particular grid field, no problem, just enter those you still need. Example. Let's say you only need three grids from DM, they are DM74, 75, 76. Just enter those three.
To make things simple and easy I will give an example of how the data can be entered and e-mailed to me. Here is an example.
CN 79, 82, 93, 95, 99 DN 02, 03, 07, 13, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 34, 37, 38
As you can see, it's relatively easy, and very easy if you've kept up on your grid map. :)
A couple of notices.
1. Please, do not send any "water grids" since any operation from them is sporadic and most cases, impracticle to activate for most of us.
2. Please send your data to me via e-mail, attaching it to this e-mail will be fine. The cutoff date is November 14, 2009. This will give all plenty of time to look over their maps and data.
Questions, comments or just sending the data, please send an e-mail. Looking forward to receiving your replies!
Jeff WB3JFS Las Vegas, NV DM26