First: ... to asses the viability of SDR.
At the conferences, Dayton, etc, SDR has been demonstrated numerous times and as a modern day ludite myself, I am now convinced it is a very practical way to go. Think about it. EVERYTHING is going digital and for very, very good reasons.
Second: To form a committee... to survey hams... on what they want in a future satellite.
Henry Ford once answered why he did not do public research to determine exactly what people wanted instead of just boldy producing millions of the same-old black model T. His answer was because if he had asked everyone, their response would have been that they wanted a faster horse.
my opinion.... phase 4...just a diversion...
Getting to space is expensive, and we have to take rides where we find them, and these opportunites do come and go with the wind. But this seems like the first practical one with long term benefits. For the first time this approach makes us a supportable PART of the mission, and not just an inconvenient add-on.
I'm all for proceeding down this path. Bob, WB4APR