A crummy pass of AO-51 was going to occur in a few minutes for me in DM-13, Riverside, CA. Only 31 degrees of elevation for a couple of minutes, PocketSat told me. And me with only HTs set up to work it.
"Whaddaya think, Karen?" - I asked my (most patient woman on the planet) wife.
"Well, go ahead and try it," she replied. I wasn't sure if she just wanted me out of the house while she's working on her computer or not. So I went out back, petted the horse and donkey, and sat down on a resin patio chair...
And worked three countries at 2.5W on a handheld: friendly guys in Mexico, an Arizona regular, and two gentlemen in Canada.
I'm still grinning. What a magnificent hobby. At least this time I didn't disturb my neighbors with, "KAREN - GET OUT HERE!!!" this time. What a thrill.
Spread the word of AMSAT to all.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359 909-241-7666