Paul Kronenwetter wrote:
Bob Bruninga wrote:
I think the XO is a... ground breaking device. Did I get one? No, I realized that it is does not meet my needs and would end up in the closet or given away to a child...
... I can't wait for the ham software to start working with it. Talk about portability... The ease of use, will assure that I will now probbly have the ham radio laptop apps with me more often than before since I will be more apt to carry the small XO at low risk then lug the big laptop.
For what it's worth, I've had good success getting Xastir working on the box. The only part I'm having real trouble with is soundmodem keeps crashing when ever it decodes a packet. Otherwise all is compiling and working nicely, once the appropriate prerequisite packages are installed.
Thanks for the information about Xastir. There seems to be so many linux projects out there these days that I can not keep track and 10,000 of them are multimedia players. :) I have to try it. I also wish there were more Radio-related Linux projects and less of duplicate "mainstream" projects.
I have a number of older laptops (Thinkpad 380 and 600 series) that I use for mobile dxing of Trunked Radio systems. I have been looking for something smaller for years to do this. I also want to run Winradio software and connect up to my D700 on the road.
Besides doing some GNURadio development I have a hand in Trunked Radio Decoding Software development, in particular LTR, DOS Trunker (Motorola and EDACS), and Windows ports of Trunker, I want do do Linux versions but until then I have to use Windows. So I went with the Eee PC because I could put 2GB of Ram in it and Windows XP can be put on it. I would not consider the Classmate either since it does not really have enough RAM to run Windows XP. I still run Windows 98SE and W2K on my older laptops to minimize the bloat.
I have "standardized" on openSuSE for my linux distribution and on KDE in particular. Although I have used the built-in OS on the Eee PC for web browsing, irc, and listening to internet audio, I still installed openSuSE. I am still setting it up and want to try compiling GNURadio on it. So I think it is also neat having my familiar Linux environment in the palm of my hand.
73 Eric