On 12/12/16, Les Rayburn [email protected] wrote:
Please pardon the newbie question, but I’m trying to get active on the birds again during the holidays after being off the air for well over a year. During that time, several new birds have been launched. It’s hard to keep up—and made more difficult because each satellite has multiple designations (names.)
Depending on the application that you’re using, such as SatPC32, you may not find the satellite using the name listed on one of the sites designed to keep us all abreast of current activity. Adding to the confusion, many web sites list birds that are technically active (such as in beacon mode, or downloading telemetry) but not available for amateur use.
Can someone provide a short list of the current active satellites for both FM and SSB/CW available for amateur use? I’d be most grateful. If the run of launches continues, we’ll need to update the “Getting Started” booklet quarterly! :-) Good problem to have.
Thanks in advance. Hope to work some of you during the next few days.
These URLs might be a good place to start:
http://www.amsat.org/status/ http://www.amsat.org/?page_id=177 http://www.amsat.org/?page_id=179
Then there are sites such as Celestrak which have information on various satellites.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL