Heh. It happens. We can just say you were in the weeds coding your Arudino and didn't have time for such trivial things as radio settings. ;-)
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Todd Deckard [email protected] wrote:
There you go! I learned something already. A bit chagrined that by the time this project is done they are going to take my Electrical Engineering degree away.
The little Baofeng is FM only. In fact I think I wasted no small amount of time flogging a homebrew Yagi from the Kent Britain article because of this critical misunderstanding.
Most of the energy up till now has been on the tracker and software -- but I am a bit embarrassed that your polite tip uncovered a technical gaff in my first experiments.
Doh! ( and Thanks) Todd
-----Original Message----- From: John Brier Sent: Dec 18, 2016 12:53 PM To: Todd Deckard Cc: AMSAT BB Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] youtube video(s) of prototype satellite tracker
Just skimmed through your videos. Looks cool.
The FO-29 pass, I could hear some voice, but it wasn't demodulated right. That might be because FO-29 is a linear satellite for SSB/CW, and that radio is FM only. I'm not sure though. Does it do SSB?
73, John Brier, KG4AKV