In any case, if the startup error tells you where the file is that is missing, creating the directory is probably the easiest fix. If this does help, please contact me privately with a screen shot and more details. Sorry for the trouble! 73, Burns WB1FJ
First of all, no apology is necessary. Had I actually thought it would be as easy as a hidden ./FoxTelem folder in my user root directory, I wouldn't have asked. I found the setup files and removed them, and then just attempted to launch FoxTelem as usual and it went through the normal setup stuff that I was expecting.
The original location for the logfiles was in a older version of FoxTelem's run folder - which I had deleted. So now I've created a special logfile folder which will never get thrown out (like the baby with the bathwater).
This was not a "Fox-in-a-Box" install, only because I've been running this pi for a few years and I don't want to add all the other junk that's on it. So the current install was downloaded directly from http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/Linux/.
Thanks for the help, and I apologize for not digging a little further (I had actually checked a bunch of the system config folders for just such a folder - I guess I dug too deep without scratching the surface first).
--Roy K3RLD