Well, that was not nearly as productive as I had hoped! By the time I got some decent signals from the U.S., the elevation was taking me down back into the QRM from all of the city around me. I copied Frank, and tried to pull out one other who I heard as AA5VK but wasn't, sorry folks, the signals were just in the noise from the QRM even with the AMSAT broadband preamp. I see an email from Glenn AA5PK now, well if we do it again tomorrow at least my ears may have a better idea what your call is! Looking at opportunities tomorrow there is a nice AO-7 7/2 at 22:22 UTC here that covers a lot of the U.S., what mode will it be in? We have an SO-50 7/2 at 00:54 UTC here that catches the southeast U.S. before my LOS but I'm shooting through some buildings, maybe the lower orbit will make up for that. Then FO-29 again 7/2 at 03:10 UTC here that skims the top of the mountains to the west, which might be better than tonight because more of it is out the window rather than through part of the roof... it gets into the southern U.S.
Thanks to all for trying this with me, I'll look for you again tomorrow night. Working portable is fun, but certainly more fun in a place where you can walk out in the park and do it!
73 Jerry HK5JY/N0JY