Just got the following from Halvard, LA7XK regarding an upcoming activation on Svalbard.
73 de Adrian VA3NNA
I am going to Svalbard for the phone section of the Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC) Arriving in JW mid day on Wednesday Oct. 9 returning mid day on Monday Oct. 14. I am joined by LA9DL Just and LA6VM Erling.
We will be QRV via FO-29, from Wednesday Oct 9 to Friday Oct.11 during the local evenings between 1630Z and 0100Z. Call will be JW7XK and the locator is JQ78. Our best takeoff will be from 240 degrees via west and north to about 34 degrees. In that sector the elevation will be 1 to 2 degrees. We are renting a car up there and will drive west from the city out passed the airport for the best takeoff. We should be able to work most of USA and Canada and also Alaska.
We will alternate between SSB and CW, using an IC-9700 and an Arrow antenna.
Can you please spread the word in the North American satellite community.
73 de Halvard, LA7XK