Rick Vidmar - K9KK wrote:
Please give up on the 2.4 GHZ dumping ground. Please join with me and be excited about abandoning it and moving on to greener pastures. Thanks Rick K9KK
And then when those "greener pastures" become polluted, what shall we do? Cut our losses and run? And again after that? I'm fairly new to the satellite game and even though I never got to enjoy AO-40, I got some S-band equipment for AO-51 as well as anticipation of future use. Seems to me instead of running away from them every time we need to be using our technical expertise to overcome interference sources on our band allocations. I don't have the equipment to make any kind of test so I'll have to take the design team's word that S band will be unusable but this business of just running away all the time makes me sick to my stomach. I do appreciate the effort of the volunteers though and I'm sure they don't get thanks often enough so once again, thanks gents, I think it is appreciated by most of us even if it doesn't always seem like it. Michael, W4HIJ AMSAT #36017