Hi all, With what looks like the possible final flight for the Space Shuttle "Atlantis" and just two more launches for the others in the fleet, I had the following thought in mind. Has anyone considered "Special Event " stations with appropriate call signs being set up to operate on the amateur bands for both satellites and HF as a tribute. The "Space Program " together with MIR, ISS and the roles played by the Shuttle have inspired both young and old worldwide. Together with amateur radio they have been the key player and forefront in education science etc and a thrill to many of the younger generation via our hobby. I thought that it might be appropriate, if world wide, " Special Event Stations" could be set up at an appropriate time to commemorate the achievements. It could also serve and pay tribute to the astronauts, cosmonauts and the many key players and teams whom have been dedicated to these space projects that now mean so much to society. Sadly of course many will now bowing out with dignity as their service will no longer be required. The " Special Events " could also further benefit our hobby of amateur radio - and of course satellite projects through public awareness and maybe raising donations or support. Any thoughts? Ken Eaton GW1FKY Amsat - UK Amsat NA