Clint Bragford K6LCS, Your posts amount to an epic fail. When AMSAT announced their 2016 symposium would be on a ship, you immediately tried to sink it. You were shot down by numerous, well respected individuals who have something you haven't got -- humility. When's the last time you attended a symposium? Ummm, never? You have no idea what a symposium costs AMSAT. The meeting space, tea, coffee, etc. didn't cost AMSAT a dime on the cruise ship. Just because you don't like W5PFG, don't take it out on AMSAT. Your idiotic posts clearly demonstrate you can't tell the difference between a general meeting slide deck and the symposium event. You just have a bone to pick because someone out-did you, again. I like how you decided to bring the conversation to your personal domain (Yahoo Work-Scat) rather than publicly discuss on AMSAT's message forum, the AMSAT-BB. Petty and weak! While we are at it, why do you even care about AMSAT? A few months ago, you threatened them with legal action if they didn't "reign in" one of their most dedicated volunteers. That man, WD9EWK, happens to be one of the most generous and outspoken educators in the satellite community. You are not a team player and frankly I don't see why AMSAT didn't strip you of your "Area Coordinator" title sooner! Nobody cares about the "kudos" and "thank you" emails you supposedly get via email. Most of the time, you are talking to yourself on the self-promoting forum threads you scatter across the web. Intelligent people pick up on your silly auctions as a PR trick to get more website hits. Today you're promoting barbed wire antennas again on another forum. How silly? Barbed wire is not an effective material for constructing antennas. Because one guy did it as a novelty, you act like it should work for everyone in every situation. Face it, your advice sucks. Your frequency chart (which was wrong for a long time, BTW) is basically your one trick pony. Any videos of you working a satellite on YouTube demonstrate your novice skill level. I'm thankful this season that you are not a professional educator in any school system.