On 2/26/12 3:02 AM, i8cvs wrote:
If you are interested in a very simple but effective "Single to 3-PHASE Power Converter for azimuth and elevation motors currently used for EME, look at this web page made by John Yurek, K3PGP
This is a classic "rotary phase converter" that uses a surplus 3-phase 'idler' motor to generate something resembling 3-phase AC from a single phase utility supply. The idler motor itself needs a starting mechanism; this one seems to do it with running capacitors but I've also seen it done with a separate single-phase starting motor.
These things are commonly homebrewed to run 3-phase machine shop tools when a 3-phase utility feed isn't available. They usually work well enough, but the output is not ideal 3-phase AC.
It's also fixed frequency. A variable frequency supply is what you really want when driving antennas.