From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 16:05:09 -0400 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: All Satellites
I don't see it that way.
Every project is a set of people who have participated in what is at first something technical, then magical. I have never talked with someone who has worked on something going into space that hasn't set back at some point and marveled at it. How many folks have we all done demos for, and heard "Wow......!" ?
--STeve Andre' wb8wsf en82
Steve...hope you are correct.
Very few almost none of the astronauts that get their US license to go up on the space station do anything with amateur radio afterwards... I am sure "the magic" of space is there...and who knows it might translate into a resurgence of amateur radio among "the youth"...but I'll bet dollars that it wont.
few of these sats are doing anything even remotely related to amateur radio or even communications in general. the payload is "something else" and the amateur freqs are just used for telemetry. and since the number of payloads that actually do "communications" is dwindling at somepoint my guess is that telemetry outright, without even the pretext of amateur radio is going to be seriously considered as a allocation for the band.
the good news is that most of them "crib death" and thats that. Of course I still listen to Prospero everytime it goes beeping overhead...actually if one has the telem mask...it is still actually doing coherent stuff...and it is beeping on a band where telemetry is authorized...
Robert WB5MZO _________________________________________________________________ Bing™ brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. Try it now. http://www.bing.com/search?q=restaurants&form=MLOGEN&publ=WLHMTAG&am...