I will be part of the AMSAT table at the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's "Springfest" hamfest at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona this Saturday, 8 March 2008. The hamfest will be in the east parking lots of the college, located just east of the AZ-101 freeway on Chaparral Road (exit 46) in grid DM43bm:
The hamfest opens at 0600 local (1300 UTC), and will go until around midday or whenever the crowds leave.
As part of the AMSAT table, I am planning for 3 demonstrations via AO-51's normal 145.920/435.300 MHz FM voice repeater during the morning using my call WD9EWK:
1342-1352 UTC (low, 8-degree pass to the east of the hamfest) 1519-1533 UTC (virtually overhead, 72-degree pass to the west) 1700-1708 UTC (very low, 5-degree pass to the west)
Despite the low elevation on the 1700-1708 UTC pass, AO-51's increased power output should make it workable for a couple of minutes. If anyone in Hawaii happens to be awake at 7am Hawaii time Saturday morning, please give a call on that pass.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/