The AMSAT mailing lists have always been run on a system called mailman. I'm sure Joe Fitzgerald can tell you more, but it was getting very old and crufty and totally unsupported. The newest version of mailman seems to be based on something called Postorious. The upgrade was needed, but the transition was painful. The basic change is that with the old system, each mailing list was totally separate--you had a password for each one that you were on. Under the new system you have an overall account and once you set up that account, you can manage all the mailing lists you are on with one password. Of course most people here are only on the bb, which makes it seem all the more confusing. Especially confusing is that you (nominally) stayed on the bb during the upgrade, but the upgrade changed some of your options (digest vs individual mail for example) and you can't change it back without setting up an account. You also need the account to put a "vacation stop" on your bb mail. I suspect you also need an account to access the archives, which is what the previous person was talking about.
I agree, btw---I have a filter set up for bb mail also. But with an account you can also turn it off during times of, shall we say, stressl.
73, Burns WB1FJ
On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 1:06 AM Cathryn Mataga via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Really, what is postorius? I've never even heard of it, and I think I'm still subscribed.
For this kind of group, it is useful to use email filtering, that I use to move anything amsat-bb to its own folder, or send some of the spammy topics to the bin. My interest in this comes and goes, so gives me an opportunity to fish around old emails when interest returns.
On 5/12/2021 8:57 AM, John Brier wrote:
AFAIK The original subscribers were automatically subscribed to the new system. However I think you had to create an account if you wanted to modify any settings.
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 11:08 AM Bill Acito [email protected] wrote:
IMHO, I suspect that the transition to Postorius probably caused a
larger loss of subscribers than content, both in the frustration of the transition, and in those that were probably no longer interested and actively following so there was no justification to re-subscribe.
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