Patrick - I am sorry I missed tallking to you today on AO-51...How did it go?
I got home about 1AM last night from a visit to the hospital emergency room. I am now on crutches for a couple days...
Here's what happened. This my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
My dear wife, Karen, is at a meeting. I'm home. She has me so well trained that instead of placing my cold drink glass on the front room table and possible causing a condensation mark/ring on the wood, I put the drink on the floor. I mean, no one's home, and the cat's already asleep (and he isn't into Diet Coke) - this is a reasonable act, right?
Phone rings, I get up and answer it. I return to the front room, and immediately step on the glass. A 1/2-inch wide shard jams itself a little over 3/4" into the middle of my right foot...
Couldn't feel much dumber. I called the 24-hour nurse at Blue Cross - a pleasant woman with a wonderful Georgian dialect (the state of Georgia - not from Turkey/Iran/Russia). After describing the "incident" and the fact that it was a little over her breakpoint of "1/4" wide and 1/4" deep" she concludes: "Oh, hon, you need to go to the emergency room NOW..."
So, that's it. Nothing flashy. Nothing glamourous. I stayed up all night with my leg elevated, then slept during your AO-51 passes.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359 909-241-7666