I will be active this Thursday-Saturday from the northern lower peninsula of Michigan--primarily grid square EN74. Despite the fact that Traverse City is located within EN74, this is a rarely activated grid on satellite. I plan to operate as many passes as my schedule & time permits to give the opportunity for those who don't have this grid to put it in their logbook.
Since I will only have the capability to operate FM voice satellite, my operations will be limited to AO-27 and SO-50, as AO-51 is in mode V/S until Sunday evening & HO-68 is not scheduled for FM operation this weekend.
My tentative schedule is as follows:
Thursday 22-Apr-2010 AO-27 18:48z - 19:03z (from wherever I am at the time, most likely EN63; possibly EN64)
Friday 23-Apr-2010 SO-50 04:04z - 04:18z (upon request)
SO-50 12:35z - 12:48z
AO-27 18:21z - 18:34z* AO-27 20:00z - 20:13z*
Saturday 24-Apr-2010 SO-50 04:34z - 04:47z (upon request)
SO-50 11:24z - 11:37z
AO-27 17:53z - 18:05z* AO-27 19:31z - 19:45z (maybe; EN63)
*If there is significant interest, I will consider activating EN64 on Friday and/or Saturday afternoon. Send me an email off-list if you need EN64, if I have significant interest I will make an effort to activate this grid as well during my trip.
I will QSL upon request, just send me an email and I will send you a card. No SASE needed, but always appreciated.