Bill Dzurilla wrote:
Today I listened for the first time for AO-7. I read all the info pages about this bird, but did not see anything about a key question: when is the bird in mode A and when in mode B? Is there a schedule, or do we have to listen on both 10m and 2m until we hear the beacon?
I see from the AO-7 log at http://www.planetemily.com/ao7/ao7log.php you made a contact on Oscar 7.
This satellite is currently commanded by it's 24hr onboard timer. The mode change occurs around 0147z.. Tonight it will switch to mode B for 24 hrs then back to A. the above referenced log is probably the easiest way to find which mode is current. BTW the 2 meter beacon has not been heard for several months. I'm not sure of the status of the 10 M beacon as I have several electric horse fences near my QTH contributing an S9 noise floor across much of the upper HF bands.
Congratulations on your first AO-7 contact and I hope to work you in mode B.
Best 73 John Meeks KC8ZFN EN75om