2006.10.8 JE9PEL/1 received, and decoded with MixW2: JR8YJT CA5020001021,0924164132,1EC,1F0,1B2,2,2,0,0~ JR8YJT CA502NNNNNNN,MMddhhmmss,AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD,EEE,FFF,GGGH
Sensors Data of the Attitude Control System (FM) NNNNNNN: data number ---> 0001021 MM: Month ---> Sep. dd: day ---> 24 hh: hour ---> 16 mm: minute ---> 41 ss: second ---> 32 AAA: magnetic flux density along - z_B axis ---> 1EC(h) ---> 492(d) BBB: magnetic flux density along - y_B axis ---> 1F0(h) ---> 496(d) CCC: magnetic flux density along - x_B axis ---> 1B2(h) ---> 434(d) DDD: angular velocity around - y_B axis ---> 2(h) ---> 2(d) EEE: sun angle ---> 2(h) ---> 2(d) FFF: sun pulse ---> 0(h) ---> 0(d) GGG: sun presence ---> 0(h) ---> 0(d) H: parity ---> ?
http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/61008hit.wav (4MB)
--------------------------------------------- Name: Mineo Wakita / JE9PEL, JAMSAT member Mail: ei7m-wkt@asahi-net.or.jp URL : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/ QTH : Yokohama Japan, GL:pm95tj Date: Oct 8, 2006 ---------------------------------------------