If you are willing to do a little construction, WA8SME has a very nice design which appeared in QST, called WRAPS. Completely shameless plug! You can order the key circuit board, bare, and programmed PIC chip on the AMSAT Store:
It is $30 plus modest shipping. You can find a link to a download of the article. I haven't built one myself, but construction is straight forward and doesn't require any exotic tools or skills.
Over the years there have been a few other similar controllers, but none that I am aware of which are currently available assembled. Another approach some have used is to use Yaesu rotators with an inverter to power them. That would not be a cost effective way new, but you sometimes find them very cheaply at hamfests.
<-----Original Message----- <From: [email protected] <[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lee Maisel <Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 7:48 PM <To: [email protected] <Subject: [amsat-bb] Tracker for use with Arrow < <Are there any computer controlled trackers for a small antenna like an <arrow out there? <I'm in the market for one. < <Thanks! < <Lee <W5LMM < <--- <This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! <Antivirus protection is active. <http://www.avast.com < <_______________________________________________ <Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of <the author. <Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur <satellite program! <Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb <