It is my understanding that the prohibition against amateur radio equipment on Royal Caribbean ships does not apply to HTs. If you click on the link;jsessionid=0000donywOR515YoExRqE5gjvpt:12hbioan0?pagename=frequently_asked_questions&pnav=5&snav=2&faqId=2717&faqSubjectId=334&faqSubjectName=Life+Onboard&faqType=faqAre walkie-talkies allowed onboard? at the bottom left of the same web page you find the following:
Q: Are walkie-talkies allowed onboard?
A: Dect phones (portable phones) are available to rent for $25.00 a week on Radiance and Voyager class vessels. Guests may reserve a set at the Guest Relations Desk, (price is subject to change). Guests are also allowed to have two-way radios, more commonly know as walkie-talkies, for onboard personal communications. Basic specifications are as follows: Up to 10-mile coverage range, Up to 5 watts power, Internal Voice, Operated Transmission, No external mounting antenna.
I have not had any problem operating satellites of Royal Caribbean ship using my Icom W32A and an AL800 telescoping antenna. I would guess that the prohibition is in place to prevent amateur radio operating on HF where you have a run of coax and an external antenna. This type of equipment raises safety issues with the cruise line.
Al Mattis N5AFV
URL for Royal Caribbean FAQ about Ham Radio.;jsessionid=0000...
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