Since a short time after its launch it was clear that UVSQ-Sat was either object 47437 or 47438. But the separation between these two objects was too small to be able to determine which one it was.
Gradually these two objects drifted away from each other until their separation was almost 25 km. But in the past couple of weeks they drifted towards each other again. A few days ago they passed each other at a very short distance. If this drift continues, it may be expected that their separation will continue to increase. When this separation has increased to at least 80 km, we should be able to determine which object is UVSQ-Sat. But this will probably take several more weeks.
So although object 47438 is a good candidate, it is way too early to determine with any certainty which object is UVSQ-Sat.
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 19-02-2021 04:01, [email protected] wrote:
The following satellite has been added to this week's AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution:
UVSQ-SAT - NORAD Cat ID 47438. Thanks to Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P for this satellite identification.
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