Hello fellow ham-ers, I am proud to say that I will start a Saturday Night Sat-Chat on the *AMSAT* Echolink server. This will be Saturday Nights, every Saturday Night, from 7PM central time to 8:30pm central time. That's 0100 Sunday (UTC) to 0230 Sunday (UTC). I will be 'net manager,' but this is an open net. Every satellite operator is welcome to jump in. This will basically be a large round-table, and after every rotation people are welcome to jump in. I will not be "net control." There won't be a "net control." Just a place/time for an open net of satellite operators or hams wanting to be satellite operators to ask questions or talk about that rare satellite DX. Feel free to connect your -L or -R nodes, or just yourself. Please keep the participants to hams that are interested in becoming satellite ops or are already satellite ops, or ones that are curious what this is about. Thanks, K9TSU, Vince, en52, Wisconsin.
Vince R. Waelti, K9TSU Green County ARES/RACES Winnebago County ARES/SKYWARN www.k9tsu.tk 608.312.0138