I wonder if anyone can help with this please?
I am using SatPC32 v12.8d on a Windows 10 computer with my Icom IC-9100 connected via USB. The Doppler tracking works fine, so the basic CI-V link is obviously ok.
My problem is that the radio does not set the desired CTCSS tone, as specified in the file SubTone.SQF A letter 'T' appears on the radio when I select T1 or T2 in SatPC32. It disappears again when I select T0. However, the tone is not set correctly.
As an example with SO50. The SubTone.SQF file contains two entries, one for a 67.0hz tone (T1) and the other for a 74.4Hz tone (T2). The radio will respond to T1 and set 67.0Hz but will not change tone when I select T2.
With single tone satellites, the tone will not change from what was set before SatPC32 was started (i.e. if I had been accessing a terrestrial repeater earlier)
I have not changed the SubTone.SQF parameters since installing SatPC32 v12.8d
Many thanks.