12 Oct
12 Oct
4:01 p.m.
KE4AZZ McKinley Henson reports a new APRS satellite heard: on 145.825
BEACON: DX4MYA To APTT4 Via WIDE1-1:Mabuhay! This is the APRS-DP of Maya-4.
But it appears to use DX3MYA callsign substitution when digipeating: Because on the next pass he sent a few beacons with wide1-1… He was digi’d several times but the following made it into the network.
121508z[224] KE4AZZ EL87
KE4AZZ>APRS,DX3MYA*,WIDE1*,qAR,KD8THX6: =2702.06N/08209.93W`KE4AZZ EL87