Hi Takushi,
Some success this morning..... I received only 2 data bursts. It started to rain and I had to cover equipment.
I did receive the first data burst at 11:32:37.5 so your timing is very good! I synchronized the clock on my computer with NTP about 1/2 hour before the pass started.
I will post an image and I&Q file later.
73, Mike, N1JEZ AMSAT 29649 "A closed mouth gathers no feet"
----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] ubject: Re: NIWAKA detected in VT on 5.84 GHz!
Dear Mike,
We have set the delay command successfully. NIWAKA will send the 5.84GHz at 11:32:38 on 11th Nov. (UTC)
The delay time is specified with accuracy of 0.1 min (6 sec). We appreciate if you could measure the starting time of 5.8GHz transmission. It will be useful for the following experiments of flashing LEDs. Thank you. 73 de JA6AVG Takushi Tanaka