GreenCube(IO-117) Fans,
For reference I'm using: IC9700 SatPC32ISS-2 ERC-M Rotor Controller Yaesu G5500DC Rotor UZ7HO's soundmodem and GreenCube Digipeater (0.17) M2 436CP30 Yagi Dell Laptop running Win11
I have some questions for those working this bird:
1. Should every packet heard and seen in the waterfall decode to a message? I get a bunch that don't decode even when the RX signal is strong. Are some packets telemetry packets? I'm trying to determine if I have a RX issue or if this is normal.
2. I'm getting RX signal fading akin to tumble fading. I pretty much quit having this type of fading on all other birds when I upgraded to a circularly polarized antenna. GreenCube will fad out and back in about 6-10 times per pass (2ish minute cycle). Is this to be expected? Are others hearing this?
3. What transmit power is appropriate? On the horizon it seems fairly clear that running the IC9700 at full power isn't excessive but what about when the bird is closer to overhead. Is GreenCube like other birds and best to run at the minimum. It has been difficult for me to tell what I need to dial back to when overhead, if indeed I need to.
4. Why is the bird sometimes in 300bd mode and other times 1200bd? Who controls this? I find I prefer the 1200bd as the packets are shorter and present less time to be corrupted by something - like a doppler update.
5. I'm finding I TX better than I RX. I'm thinking I want a LNA at my antenna. Is anyone successfully doing this? Which LNA and can it be powered by the IC9700?
Thanks all Cal - N7AY