12 Oct
12 Oct
7:16 a.m.
I was listening on 29.500 USB during an AO-7 pass this morning hoping to maybe catch some telemetry (no VHF/UHF equipment here). Instead, I got this unkeyed carrier which lasted while the satellite was higher than 20 degrees or so, and it appears to have some Doppler. Could this be coming from AO-7? Is telemetry dead? This is the first time I'm trying to get at satellites, so bear with me please if I ask silly questions :)
Received on an IC-7300 w/ vertical antenna. It was faint but audible. Could not see anything on the waterfall on 29.400-29.500.
Spectrum in audacity showing a shift in frequency: https://imgur.com/a/oOa2HyI
Thank you for any hints, 73 de YO3GEK!
Matei Conovici