Well, I took a couple weeks off … (g)

Upcoming presentations scheduled for …

04/26 - Livonia, Michigan
05/18 - Puget Sound
05/26 - South New Jersey
06/01 - University of Arizona
06/09 - San Jose
06/15 - East Massachusetts
10/21 - Conejo Valley CA

… and dates for Roseland NJ, Austin TX, Maine, and NH to be firmed up!

Think a lively, entertaining, AND educational 75-minute presentation to YOUR club or 
organization on “Working the Easy Sateliites” would be appropriate for your club? Send 
me a message or call!

Clint Bradford K6LCS
AMSAT Ambassador, ARRL instructor
k6lcs AT work-sat DOT info
(909) 999-SATS (7287)