OK, pass of JY1SAT at 17:24z
AOS 9 sec early, LOS 9 sec late.
Doppler Tracking: Sat moves down in frq on approach. lock lost earlier as it drifts down, than lock lost as it drifts up.
Had to correct freq 4 times as it drifted down, 2 times as it drifted up.
Best Guess:
The other two software packages "seem" to handle freq errors better...only because their KEPs are really good and therefore the doppler is dead on.
In other words, JY1SAT (JO-97) cannot capture TLM unattneded without signficant frame loss, until the keps get better.
My earlier assessment is most likley wrong...there isn't anything wrong with JY1SAT Dashboard. 73, N0AN Hasan
On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 11:06 AM JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] wrote:
There is something not quite right with JY1 Dashboard software.
I don't know if the problem is related to the JY1SAT testing and commissioning procedures. Here is an excerpt about JY1SAT status the FUNcube operations list forwarded for the ANS bulletins (coming out later this weekend):
"Commissioning of the spacecraft [JY1SAT] is continuing and there will be some periods when the telemetry being transmitted is not valid. This will show up with invalid data collection flags in the dashboard."
Caveat - I don't run the JY1SAT dashboard here so I'm unable to comment further.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]