Hey Jack.
I was able to get digipeated on the 1828 UTC pass today, but at times over the past week or so, it's not seemed to be as strong on RX or TX.
Of course the digipeater was off when they had the space walk the other day.
I've turned the speaker volume up on some passes recently listening for any sign of QIKCOM-1... it's totally subjective but the signal from the ISS hasn't sounded as strong as I've heard in the past. I have also noticed that I can forget about a digipeat after it has passed my location. Perhaps the antenna location on the ISS is blocked from certain angles?
-Scott, K4KDR
On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 12:28 PM, Alex Weimer via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
I am using AGW Packet engine and UISS to work both NO84 and RS0ISS however recently I have been having problems getting into the digipeater on the ISS. 25 watts of power and a 7 element M2 yagi. Is there a change in the packet modem on ISS or have they made some modifications that make it more difficult to access the satellite ?? Thank you JACK KC7MG