Telemetry came thru loud and clear.
Transponder was strong, however I had to correct uplink frequency to about + 4 kHz. at the beginning of the pass. Kept changing too, so at the end of the pass uplink frequency had to be + 5.2 kHz. to hear myself properly; and that is with doppler correction enabled. Normally when keps are correct and doppler is enabled, uplink frequency correction stays stable. Probably 2013-066B not the correct Keps ?
Brief contact with VK5EI, but then lost contact as antennas had to swing around. Also heard VK2ZAZ.
Andy - VK4TH
________________________________ From: vk2mal [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, 23 November 2013 10:25 PM Subject: [amsatvk] Re: FUNcube-1 (AO-73) Transponder Test Saturday November 23
Hi All
Good signals from AO-73 over VK tonight. Stations heard through the transponder were ZL2BX Alan and VK4CBW Wal.
73's Malcolm VK2MAL
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