The API looks pretty simple from the docs. I just took a stab at it, using curl, this is all I had to do to authenticate and issue a query:
Authenticate (comes from their docs):
curl -v -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -k https://beta.space-track.org/ajaxauth/login -d 'identity=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD'
Issue their example ISS Min/Max Historical Apogee Perigee query:
curl -v -b cookies.txt -k https://beta.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/CATALOGNUM/25...
Joseph Armbruster
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 6:46 PM, David A Johnson [email protected] wrote:
They are using RESTful APIs for web services so that should make life a lot easier for those of us writing apps and other services.
Dave, G4DPZ
On 07/06/12 14:22, Steve Daniels wrote:
Space Track are beta testing a new website. It includes an API for element downloads. http://beta.space-track.org
look under the docs section
Steve Daniels G6UIM
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