16 Oct
16 Oct
8:11 p.m.
BTW, the Yaesu G-550 is the current production of the Elevator rotator (KR-500). http://www.yaesu.com/downloadFile.cfm?FileID=968&FileCatID=155&FileN...
MAJORITY of Repairs to G-5500 Azimuth-Elevation rotators are with the Elevation Rotator (G-550). This is due to location (top of stck) and water penetration (seals).
David Palmer, KB5WIA shows the steps required to Rewind the Yaesu/Kenpro motor used in the these antenna rotators. PHOTOS from his detailed Blog http://kb5wia.blogspot.com/2012/03/yaesu-g5500-rotator-motor-repair.html
Ken Swaggart, W7KKE Repairs to the Yaesu Azimuth-Elevation G-5500 rotator http://www.ocrg.org/W7KKE/rotor/rotor.html
Ivo Klinkert, PA1IVO repairs to G-5500 http://ivok.home.xs4all.nl/pa1ivo/G-5500.html