Thanks to all who answered my newbie question involving how to change the transmitted PL tone for SO-50. I got several great responses, including at least one person who sent me their edited file for my use. The amateur spirit is alive, well, and living on the birds!
I've got a similar question regarding SATPC32 and SO-50. I've noticed that FM-narrow mode on the Icom IC-910H seems to deliver better reception of the satellite, and I'd like to change the settings in SATPC32 so that is automatically places the radio in FM-Narrow mode. Can someone guide me through how to make this change?
Also, I notice that polarity seems to be a larger issue on this bird than on the linear SSB/CW birds. My antennas are fixed in the attic in elevation, and can only be rotated in azimuth. I also opted to slightly offset the 432 antennas from vertical polarization to more of an "in-between", which seemed to reduce local noise and be a good compromise setting for shifting antenna polarization on the satellite. Anything else I can be besides adding AZ/EL to help reception of SO-50?