I just got digipeated for the first time myself on the 1512utc pass here.
Using 50w to 2m X-Quad w/ AZ-EL tracking, I was only heard at closest approach (69° elevation). My iGate received the digipeats w/ no errors, but for some unknown reason the packets are not showing up on the greater APRS network (APRS.fi, for instance). I don't know the reason for that.
Here's a tweet w/ screen shots:
-Scott, K4KDR
On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 10:44 AM christy hunter via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
I was able to get 4 beacons digi thru AISAT-1 using ARISS path, and UISS. Obj /44104, 2019-018AC/
no other stations heard.
I wonder if the AMSAT status page will be listing this sat on the list?
73 Christy KB6LTY DM14