On Apr 28, 2008, at 18:42:56, Alan wrote:
In SATPC32 - use the "S" option to turn the "Sun Line ON/OFF" and status of satellite will show "SAT in SUN" or "SAT in ECLIPSE" beside your QTH co-ordinates in top left corner.
Ah, I'm on a Mac...
Thus, the satellite may be over the dark side of the earth while its elevation will put it up into the sun.
Very handy for AO-7 too.
Can't give you specific info as you didn't tell us your QTH. Need more than just the 4 character grid square.
My QTH shouldn't be necessary to tell if the satellite is in or out of eclipse at a given time, right? I just need to know if it's out of eclipse in the 10 - 15 minutes after each of these times (tonight):
0342 UTC 0516 UTC
Unless I'm completely forgetting something...