2 Jul
2 Jul
5:19 p.m.
Ouch, just checked the price list for the KU LNC MKU LNC 23 TM ATV Converter mounted into water resistant case, in 2320 ... 2450 MHz, 1404 … 1534 MHz IF 216,00 € That is before shipping. If I don't buy litter for the cat in the ham shack this zone will soon become uninhabitable. That is before shipping from over there.
Does anyone have options that are more reasonable for a LNC? I would really like to do this project but was a stretch to get just the PCI tuner card. If anyone has another option you may e-mail me off list. Not too technical please, I have not used a soldering iron except to do wood burning for wood crafts as a teenager. Will a US made universal work? In the end tho I would like to produce a quality product.